Personal Manifesto for Transformative Spiritual Leadership & Activism

My name is Ryan Cassata. Most people know me as a singer-songwriter and transgender activist. I am also a student at Pacific School of Religion where I study faith-rooted transformative leadership.

For one of my graduate level classes I wrote a code of conduct, bill of rights on how I, as a spiritual leader, plan to continue to implant and embody transformative leadership and social change. Throughout my studies thus far, I have learned several qualities and practices that productive spiritual leaders hold. Some of them are based on morals and values. Some of them are about proper self-care. Above all, to be a great transformative spiritual leader, that skillfully brings about social change, I must keep the movement at the forefront of my mind.

I must always strive to act in a way that serves the marginalized, practice nonviolence, and remain willing to learn, listen, grow, and develop. I must accept that I won't see the utopia I long for in my lifetime. I will always be nonviolently advocating for equal rights, equity, peace, love, and kindness. Being an activist is a lifelong quest that requires a lifelong commitment.This code of conduct serves as a reminder of my purpose. It also serves as a reminder to rest and recharge. It is the bedrock for my activism work. While  this code is personal to my experience as a white, queer, disabled, middle class, androgynous transgender person, I think that other transformative leaders or activists could take from or benefit by learning some of my practices as well. The chapters are in no particular order, I view them as all equally important.

1. Grow My Spirituality
2. Stay Willing to Learn and Listen
3. Never Become Immune to Suffering
4. Always Practice Nonviolence
5. Be Willing to Sacrifice
6. Use Art to Open Hearts and Minds
7. Never Hate My Enemies
8. Meditate for Clarity
9. Accept That There Will Be Pain and Setbacks
10. Practice Proper Self Care to Recharge
11. Never Be Afraid to Ask For Help
12. Recognize and Acknowledge my Privilege
13. Know When To Pass The Mic

1. Grow My Spirituality

The first step to my transformative leadership process is always to seek to grow my spirituality. My spirituality is the foundation of my activism and ministry work. Without my personal spiritual practices, I do not process the strength that it takes to be a skillful leader. My faith must always come first. Personally, centering myself with God allows me to act more gracefully. Accepting and trusting God's will for me allows for a greater flow of peace, which leads to better actions and the ability to do this type of work.

God is my rock, my steadfast love, my champion, and my savior. In times of loneliness, despair, isolation, I rely on God. In times where I am far from my community, I rely on God. With a spiritual foundation, I can remain steady enough to carry any burden, stand tall and march forward through any emotional battle. For these reasons, I will continuously seek to grow my spirituality.

Note: Whatever your spiritual beliefs are, I encourage you to grow and deepen them throughout your life. Remember, that your conception of God, is totally up to you. Find a non-judgmental, unconditionally loving, higher power that works for you personally.

2. Stay Willing to Learn and Listen

My studies are now part of my foundation for my social change efforts and advocacy. I’m about two years into the MAST/MDiv program at Pacific School of Religion and I find myself pondering "Why wasn't this information presented to me earlier in my life?" Throughout my studies thus far, I have had the realization that I have more to learn than I previously thought. I have learned an incredible amount about marginalization, racism, oppression, intersectionality, social change history, and "the powers that be (Walter Wink)." Even as someone living on the margins, I cannot fully understand these things, but I am one tiny step closer with each class I complete.

I must maintain a willingness and an open ear to learn what is needed to continue doing this work overtime. I must listen to the stories and voices of others to build empathy and see how I can be most helpful. A strong transformative leader needs to be able to listen and hear the experience of others.

3. Never Become Immune to Suffering

I must never become immune to the suffering of others. May empathy always fill my heart and drive my activism work. For as long as there is injustice, let that injustice always make me sick to my stomach. Let the witnessing of suffering ignite my activism efforts. Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. says, "There can be no deep disappointment where there is no deep love." A deep love for humanity means suffering from the losses of our fellow humans. I promise to let that deep love that results in empathetic suffering be the driving force for my social change efforts.

4. Always Practice Nonviolence

I must remain nonviolent. Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. taught me that nonviolence is the most reliable and effective way to create positive change in the world. It is also a route to gain respect.

I have found it true that when one person from a marginalized group "acts out," the oppressor uses that one action as a weapon against the entire oppressed group. The oppressor will always villainize the oppressed groups shortcomings to justify their hatred. Remaining nonviolent is an efficient way to avoid further negative stereotypes.

5. Be Willing to Sacrifice

This movement is dangerous. I've known that since before I even came out as transgender. I am no stranger to bullying, harassment, violence, and unsafe situations. I can hide in my closet, forget about the movement, forget about the people who need a voice, and stay mostly safe.

However, I refuse to be a guilty bystander, so I must risk my safety and go out into the world and lead discussions, education the public, and march in rallies.

Of course, it may be more comfortable on the sidelines for safety and stability are comforting. However, to be an excellent social change leader, we must be willing to give up our privileges, safety, relationships and even risk our lives to bring about social change. In Albert J. Raboteau's American Prophets, I learned Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. constantly risked being sent to jail and even death. Dorothy Day sacrificed her romantic relationship. Fannie Lou Hammer risked her job and her life. Risk and sacrifice is part of being an activist.

6. Use Art to Open Hearts and Minds

My music has always served as a common thread when there seemed to be none at the surface level. In giving public speeches to high schools and universities, I have used music to humanize my experience as a trans person. It has been an effective way to get students to listen, engage, grow, and learn. Music is the key that unlocks the door to a mental transformation for someone who may have been living in ignorance.

Music is a universal love, a universal language, and a compelling artistic expression that unites even very diverse groups people. I believe that is why we sing at church. I think it's why the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers had drum circles at their healing ceremonies and why folks chant together while they march. Music is a nonviolent power and a powerful transformer.

7. Never Hate My Enemies

Fannie Lou Hamer said, "I refuse to hate a man because he hate me. Because if I hate you because you hate me, it's no different. Both of us are miserable.” As a marginalized person, I already see the destruction of hatred. Resentment is an unsafe feeling that can ignite violence, cause immense mutual hate and irreparable wreckage.

Dr. King says, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.”

I must realize that my enemy's hatred is a sickness, and I must offer them love, patience, and tolerance that I freely give to my friends.

8. Meditate for Clarity

Self-preservation includes having a ritualistic meditation practice. Meditation strengthens my spirituality, grounds me, and clarifies my vision. Meditation builds my stamina to handle challenging situations and walk through them humbly and steadily. Meditation is part of my religious practice, and I do not think I could possess the strength it takes to be a transformative leader without the strength and clarity that this spiritual practice grants me.

Social Activist and Monk Thomas Merton believed in the clarity and self-awareness from silence, solitude, and meditation.

9. Accept That There Will Be Pain and Setbacks

Failure breeds pain, and in every social movement, there are systemic setbacks. This past year, a slew of anti-transgender legislation was introduced, some of which passed to become state laws. Over the past several years, visibility brought much-needed awareness to the trans community, and that awareness was met with bigots trying to erase the trans community. When demanding equal rights, we will often be met with pushback from folks who think that giving equal rights to an oppressed group somehow takes away their unearned-liberties. I must let these setbacks drive me to advocate harder, write more letters, march, stay on top of the movement. I must accept the pain of loss and not allow it to discourage me.

10. Practice Proper Self Care to Recharge

If my battery is dead, I am of no use. I cannot be an effective change maker. I must pause to rest, ask for help, and do what is needed to take care of my mental health. A daily self-care routine will prevent burnout and provide the headspace for more impactful work.

11. Never Be Afraid to Ask For Help

There will be many times when I cannot personally take on what is needed or asked of me. Recognizing those times, being honest about my abilities, and not fearing to ask for assistance from peers or even strangers always needs to remain a possibility.

Activism movements always require help. A one-person march is not as powerful as a march with hundreds or thousands of people. Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. called on faith leaders from across the Nation for the Selma march. There is no shame in asking for help. There is strength in asking for help.

12. Recognize and Acknowledge my Privilege

I must recognize my privileges and acknowledge them always. I must remain aware of my social location and the contexts that I am in. I must always know that being part of a marginalized group does not erase my white privilege and my middle-class privilege. I must use my privilege to educate other people that also hold privilege. I must stay aware of how much space I am taking up and be willing to give up space to make room for others that are more marginalized than me.

13. Know When To Pass The Mic

There will be times where I will be part of a movement, and I am not destined to be part of the frontlines. There are times when the voice that needs to be heard will not be mine. There will be times when I must only listen so I can learn. I must stay aware enough to understand the difference between knowing when my voice is needed and when only my ears are needed. I must know when to pass the mic.  


The Powers That Be: Theology for a New Millennium, by Walter Wink, Galilee Doubleday, 1999.

A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr., by Martin Luther King Jr., HarperOne, 2003.

American Prophets: Seven Religious Radicals and Their Struggle for Social and Political Justice, by Albert J. Raboteau, Princetown University Press, 2016.

For Seven Generations. Dir(s). Bruce Hart, Carole Hart. 2009. Film.